Analytics and spectroscopy
UV/vis und IR-spectroscopy with diffuse reflection or attenuated total reflection
PerkinElmer Lambda 750 with Praying Mantis and integrating sphere; Bruker alpha II; Bruker Invenio-R
Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for solid matter and solutions
PicoQuant FluoTime 300 spectrometer with VisUV-Laser (266, 355, 532 nm) and 300 W xenon lamp
Transiente absorption to detect e.g. charge charriers in solid matter and solutions
Edinburgh Instruments Spektrometer PL980 with Ekspla NT342B-10 Laser (266nm, 355nm, 532nm, 1064nm und OPO) and 150 W xenon flash lamp
X-ray diffraction to study the phase composition of thin films
X-ray diffractometer SmartLab from Rigaku with copper X-ray tube (rotating anode) and other accessories
user regulations
Anton Paar QuantaTec devices: Autosorb iQ-MP-MP-AG, Quadrasorb EVO and V-Star
further particle and surface characterization
Litesizer 500 - Anton Paar
Autotitrator: Titroline 7000 von SI Analytics