Prof. Dr. Roland Marschall
Prof. Dr. Roland Marschall
Head of working group
Raum: NW I, 1.1. 02 22
Telefon: 0921 / 55-2760
- CVHide
- 10/2018: Call for a “W3 professorship in physical chemistry of nanomaterials” at the University of Kassel, denied
- since August 2018: Full Professor
Chair of Physical Chemistry III, University of Bayreuth - 05/2018: Call for a “W3 professorship in physical chemistry ” at the University of Bayreuth, accepted
- 07/2013-08/2018: Emmy-Noether-Group Leader
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen - 01/2011-06/2013: Research Fellow (Habilitand)
Laboratory for Industrial Chemistry (AG Prof. Wark), Ruhr-University Bochum - 04/2010-12/2010: Project Leader
Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC, Division „Electrochemical Energy Storage and Energy Conversion“ - 02/2009-01/2010: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia - 05/2008-01/2009: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Leibniz University Hannover - 05/2005-04/2008: PhD in Physical Chemistry
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Caro), Leibniz University Hannover
Title of the dissertation: ’’New solid proton conductors: Functionalized mesoporous SiO2-materials for application in high temperature PEM fuel cell membranes” (Prof. Wark, Prof. Caro)
03/2007-06/2007: Research stay at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia - 10/2000-04/2005: Study Chemistry (Diploma), Leibniz University Hannover
- 11/2004-04/2005: Diplom Thesis in Physical Chemistry
Topic: ’’Evaluation of dye-sensitized solar cells“ (Dr. Torsten Oekermann, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Caro)
- AwardsHide
- 07/2017: Occupational Safety Prize of the Justus Liebig University (together with the working group of Prof. Bernd M. Smarsly)
- 11/2016: Award of the Justus-Liebig-University
- 01/2014: ADUC prize
- 07/2017: Occupational Safety Prize of the Justus Liebig University (together with the working group of Prof. Bernd M. Smarsly)
- Positions at the University of BayreuthHide
- Coordinator of the DFG Priority Program SPP2370 "Nitroconversion"
- Dean of Faculty II at the University of Bayreuth
- Member of the Faculty Council of Faculty II at the University of Bayreuth
- Member of the Presidential Commission for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bayreuth
- Member of the Presidential Commission for Study Grants at the University of Bayreuth
- Moderator of the course od studies “Sustainable Chemistry & Energy (B.Sc.)”
- Member of the executive committee of the doctoral program "Materials Chemistry and Catalysis" at the Bayreuth Graduate School for Mathematics and Natural Sciences BayNat, University of Bayreuth
- Member of the examination board for the master’s program “Polymer Science” at the University of Bayreuth
- Member of the examination board for the master's program "Sustainable Chemistry & Energy (B.Sc.)" at the University of Bayreuth
- Chair of the examination board for the bachelor’s degree in “Chemistry” at the University of Bayreuth (from winter semester 2023/24)
- MembershipsHide
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
- Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology e.V. (DECHEMA)
- German Catalysis Society (GeCatS)
- German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV)
- Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie e.V.
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)